For PhD Supervisors
Published online: 08.08.2022

For PhD Supervisors
Published online: 08.08.2022

Published online: 08.08.2022
Published online: 08.08.2022
The main supervisors has to be employed at Aalborg University. Furthermore the main supervisor needs to associate professor as a minimum.
20% Professors can also be appointed as main supervisors.
The main supervisor is responsibe for a sucessfull completion of the PhD project.
It is a requirement from the Doctoral School that the PhD project is assigned at least one co-supervisor that can provide academic/professionel feedback in fields where the main-supervisor may not be an expert.
It is not required that co-supervisors are employed at AAU.
There are specific requirements in relation to the Industrial PhD program. Here the company/organization needs to appoint two supervisors.
Changes to the supervisor setup must be approved by the PhD Study Director and accepted by all the involved parties (department, supervisors, PhD student).
Forward the requested changes to
When a PhD student is accepted for enrollment at the Doctoral School of Engineering and Science it is crucial to the PhD study that the supervisor and PhD student allign their expectations towards eachother and the PhD study at hand. A missallignment here may lead to issues later on, issues that could have been avoided.
As a supervisor you must actively assist the student in completing the PhD plan that is due for submission no later than 2 months after the study is commenced. The paradigme found here must be applied. Once the plan is ready for submission it is uploaded by the PhD student through PhD manager where the supervisor, followed by the head of program must approve the PhD plan. The same procedure is to be followed when the updated version is submitted, no later than 11 months after enrollment. Only the PhD study director can provide an extemption in relation to these timeframes.
Key elements to remember when initiating a PhD study:
Should you encounter issues that you cannot resolve amongst yourselves please contact the Doctoral School who will initiate contact to the PhD Study Director - better sooner than later.
As the PHD study near completion there are a several elements that is to be handled by the PhD student and the supervisor. To assist in relation to this process the doctoral school recommends that the supervisor and PhD student makes themselves familiar with these elements as soon as possible.
If a student fails to follow the PhD plan the supervisor has the possibility to initiate a reestablishment period.
This is done by indicating the problems on a progress report or by contacting Helen Kjerstein Kristensen at the Doctoral School directly.
When requesting a reestablishment period directly to the doctoral school, the following must be enclosed:
Once the Doctoral School has received the request for re-establishment the PhD student is given a 14 day period to comment on the request by the supervisor. Following the 14 day period the PhD Study Director will decide whether or not a re-establishment period is initiated.
Once the re-establishment period is over the PhD supervisor must assess whether or not the goals set out for the period are acheived. The student is again given a 14 day period to comment on the assessment made by the supervisor. On the basis of the supervisor's assessment and the comments, if any, made by the student, the PhD Study Director decides if the re-establishment period has been sucessfull. If so the PhD study continues. The three month period does not lead to an extension of the PhD study. If the period is not sucessfull the PhD student's enrollment in the Doctoral School is terminated.
A PhD student is only eligible for one re-establishment period during the PhD study.
If you have any questions in relation to the above, contact Helen Kjerstein Kristensen at the Doctoral School
As a PhD supervisor it is important that you are familiar with the different responsibilities that are laid upon you and the different aspects you are involved with during the PhD study.
As a starting point it is imperative that you allign your expectations with the PhD student you are supervising. This founds the crucial starting point for the entire PhD study and it is therefore of outmost importance that you and the PhD student are on the same track.
The following documents serves as inspiration for the evaluation of the PhD study.
PhD manager:
PhD courses at AAU: