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Career outside academia

Where to start

Establishing a career outside academia can take time, so begin the process early on: Get your CV ready, attend seminars, and get an overview of your network. You can attend and be part of all university events that you feel could have any relevance for your future career.

Career outside academia

Where to start

Establishing a career outside academia can take time, so begin the process early on: Get your CV ready, attend seminars, and get an overview of your network. You can attend and be part of all university events that you feel could have any relevance for your future career.


Networking is important if you want to pursue a career outside academia. Think actively about building/expanding your network in the industry and public sector. Remember, networking is not only about getting others to help you, but also about sharing information and services with others. Use your network positively in your efforts to establish a career outside academia. Who shares your research/professional interests? Who do you know in the industry/public sector? And who might be able to help you? How can you meet and form professional relationships with people working in the industry/public sector? How can you expand your professional network by connecting with relevant people through LinkedIn and in real life? How can you recognize, create, and act upon professional opportunities?

If I read an application/CV from a PhD with a overly detailed description of their scientific work in a field that’s not directly related to the one I work in, I loose interest. It tells me, that they have not understood what it means to transcend their own field and what a job with us entails. I want to see someone who can lead a project, has an analytical mind set, understands how to collaborate with scientists from other fields.

Novo research director

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